ievo ultimate external biometric
ievo ultimate is the perfect ‘all round’ fingerprint scanner which is suitable for both internal and external environments, depending on how you wish to use it.
Features & Benefits
- The ievo ultimate provides resistance to fake fingerprint attacks with a live-ness detection feature which checks for the presence or absence of live blood flow in the finger when presented to the fingerprint sensor.
- The ievo ultimate contains no controllers or relays within the product, instead they are installed up to 5 metres away on the secured side of the door, preventing unwanted access by unknown personnel.
- Tested with water jets and dust, therefore it can be installed internally or externally without compromising its efficiency or reliability.
- Enables a fingerprint image to be obtained even through levels of dust, dirt, oils, creams or cosmetics present on the skin and also through some types of latex gloves

ievo micro
ievo micro is an internal only optical fingerprint reader which boasts powerful features for enhanced scanning yet it is small and conveniently sized.
Features & Benefits
- This reader delivers highly enhanced features for a solely internal reader, including working with low levels of cream or powder on the skin as well as with some types of latex gloves.
- With simple visual and audio automated alerts to inform the user if access has been granted or denied, it is DDA compliant and is incredibly easy to use.
- Can be mullion mounted which allows the reader to be installed between the casements or panes of a window, door frame or any other awkward place within your chosen installation area.

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