Smart e-Asset is an enterprise Assets Managements and inventory control system that effectively automate all store keeping activities and transactions for assets,consumables and services,while the assets module track the asset life cycle from the time being received to the store until written-off.
Smart Asset Management System
Items Classification & Identification
- Follows United Nations Standard Products and Service Code(UNSPSC) for classifying items and assets.
- Ability to define and classify services and products both in Arabic and English.
- Quick,easy and dynamic way of searching for items and services more accurately using part of the item description or its code.
- Ability to attach the item or asset image with the basic information of the items needing accurate identification,hence they can be easily distinguished from other items.
Full Asset Information
- Identifying assets locations in administrations via identifying the building,floor,room number or section.
- Tracking assets from the time being received to the store until written-off.
- Assets depreciation.
- Registering full asset information like supplier’s name,invoice number,warranty date etc..
- Calculate an annual depreciation schedule.
Assets Tracking ,Store Transactions & Stocking
- Printing barcodes for your assets and Rooms or use existing barcodes to identify your assets.
- Printing special and distinguished Barcode label for each individual asset.
- Different types of labels (RFID label-Outdoor aluminium label-indoor colored label).
- Quick and accurate assets stocktaking using pocket PC with Bar-Code Reader by grouping assets according to their physical locations.
- Ability to define multiple stores.
- Standard forms of store transactions used by governmental authorities and private sectors included.

Important Features
- Works with all common databases.
- Web Based.
- FRID technology.
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