- Fully Parameterized & web based application in flexible interface and easy process.
- Single or Multiple Companies options.
- Management of TA Policies based on hierarchy /employee/group or work location level.
- Managing and calculations of employees overtime including overtime approval process.
- Employee Self Service Features: which provide the ability to users to request leaves & permission
to the login user (Employee) or login user can correct violation. - Workflow setting flexibility up to 3 levels for Permission Types, Leave Types or Global option.
- Nursing and Study Permission workflow and other types of hourly leave permissions (fixed and
flexible time). - Violation Action Creation and Detailed Violation Report Capability.
- Editable email notification type in HTML Editor as per language preference; English & Arabic.

- Notification Option and template saving capability.
- Logical Group Creation.
- Parameterized Leave and Permission Type.
- Normal, Flexible, Advanced Schedules capabilities to manage different kind of shift scheduling.
- Shift Assignments by HR and Manager for employees.
- Employee and Notification Exception options.
- Leave balance.
- Overtime classification. E.g. Normal OT, High OT etc.
- Graphical Dashboards.
- Language Preference for users; English or Arabic.
- Dynamic report Feature.
- Third Party HRMS Integration compatibility (Oracle, GP, SAP etc.).
- Share Point Integration Capability
- Web service and DB level Integration Capability.
- Mobile Application is available for both Android and iOS Systems.

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